Thursday, January 22, 2009

When the rain comes...

Today's post is a simple one, but I hope its simplicity does not detract from its importance. Today as I was driving to work in the rain I came across a median with at least 6 sprinklers watering away. Watering in the rain... during a time of drought.

What the fuck? When I'm KING, all the money that's now spent on public service announcements and press releases to tell people to conserve water will be spent on removing all flora that needs to be watered and replacing it with indigenous plants that need no extra water at all. There are tons of succulent and cactus species that seem to do OK here in the SF Bay area all on their own. Do we really need grass that's from Kentucky here? I'll leave the systems in but have them set up so that they can only be used in extreme situations when they're pushed past normal ecological stress.


Jennifer Fray said...

How about we just install smarter sprinklers? If the sprinklers were solar-powered then they wouldn't even operate sans sun. Or sprinklers with moisture verification?

zerocrossing said...

I guess so, but don't you think having indigenous plants to be the best all around solution? We could have orchid gardens on the medians too but at what cost?